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Excuses, Excuses

Message Series: Do It!  Week# 2

Message: Excuses, Excuses!

Communicator: Pastor Kevin Geer

Big Idea: Talking that next step towards the dreams God has for you.

Central Text/s: Exodus 3:11-14; 4:1-2;10-14

Wins and Words of the Week: Take time to share WINS, (what God did) and WORD, (what God shared with you from His word) that moved you and others forward and closer to Jesus.

Ice Breaker: If you were to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?

Questions to Consider:  

  1. Who is the main character in your story? What percentage of your conversations with yourself are positive and or negative? 
  2. What would you say is the difference between speaking positive truths about yourself and bragging about yourself?  
  3. Read Exodus 3:11, Moses asks God, “Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt.”  Has God ever asked you to get out of your comfort zone” and trust him?  What were the circumstances and the results? 
  4. Read Exodus 4:10, Moses pleads to the Lord his lack of confidence in himself.  What insecurities do you have that are killing your dreams or robbing you of your joy and peace?
  5. In Exodus we learned about the lack of confidence Moses had.  We all tend to be our own worst enemy and our own biggest critic.  What is it about you that you tend to criticize, or lack the confidence to improve upon?  Discuss as a group.
  6. God promises throughout scripture that “he will be with us”.  Why do you think we are still so reluctant to respond to his callings? What results have you experienced when you have said “yes” to God?

Digging Deeper: 

  1. Read Exodus 4:14.  Is there anything in your life right now or in the past that the Lord would have anger with?  Be specific.
  2. Read Exodus 4:1 & 2.  God continues to reassure Moses that “he is with him”.  God has an answer for everyone of Moses’ questions and gives him all the evidence he needs to boost his confidence in himself.  What does God continue to prove to you over and over that “he is with you”? What has been your response to God’s confidence builders into your life?   
  3. Read Philippians 4:10-13.  Share with your group one answer to prayer in 2020, either in your life or in the life of someone your know? Use this time as a confidence booster for your group. 
  4. Read Psalms 37:3-6.  As a group, discuss what you will lift up to the Lord this week with the faith and confidence that he will provide and have an opportunity to show that “he is with you”? 

Questions for Application: 

  1. What specific steps will I/We take to live out what we just discussed? 
  2. Who can we share this message or truth with? What is their name?
  3. Who are you praying for to know Jesus? What is their name?
  4. Who will I partner with to keep me accountable so I/We can grow?

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