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Message Series: Mother’s Day

Message:  Mother’s Day

Communicator: Pastor Kevin Geer; Jared McKinney; Tiffany Geer

Big Idea: Watch Parties and blooming where you’re planted

Central Text/s: 1 Corinthians 3:16; Acts 2:42; Ecclesiastes 6:9; Psalm 37:3-5

Wins and Words of the Week: Take time to share WINS, (what God did) and WORD, (what God shared with you from His word) that moved you and others forward and closer to Jesus.

Ice Breaker: What was your favorite meal growing up? What was your least favorite meal growing up?  

Questions to Consider:

  1. What was your biggest take-away from this week’s message? What made you laugh? What did you do differently as a result of the message? Did you share this truth with anyone?  
  2. Read 1 Corinthians 3:16; Acts 2:42. Talk about the statement: “The church was never about a building”. Does this statement differ at all with your thinking about church? How has this time of “shelter in place” affirmed those scriptures?  
  3. What excites you about hosting or joining a Canvas Watch Party? Discuss how your group could launch one or many watch parties.   
  4. Looking at the idea of Watch Parties: Make a list of people you will invite to your Watch Party. As a group each week take time to pray for those on your list and for God to move in their lives.  
  5. Read Ecclesiastes 6:9 Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Share together as a group the people and things in your life that you are grateful for. Make it a worship experience! 

Digging Deeper: 

  1. Paul was in prison when he wrote this letter to the Philippian church. Read Philippians 4:11-13. Describe what being content might have looked like for Paul. What does being content in your life situation look like to you? How would you define living a life of being content?  
  2. What does the phrase, “Bloom where you’re planted” mean to you? What makes it difficult  or what helps you to have that mindset? How can you blossom in your current life situation and what might that look like?  
  3. Read and discuss Psalm 37:3-5. Each verse states our part in the equation followed by God’s promised result (blessing). Talk about each promise, are they something you desire in your life and why? What do you need to do to position yourself to receive those promises?  

Questions for Application: 

  1. What specific steps will I/We take to live out what we just discussed? 
  2. Who can we share this message or truth with? What is their name?
  3. Who are you praying for to know Jesus? What is their name?
  4. Who will I partner with to keep me accountable so I/We can grow?

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