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Message Series: Pivot

Message:  Pivot FootWeek # 4  

Communicator: Pastor Stephen Masters

Big Idea: The Pivot foot doesn’t move or change. It stays grounded, yet allows us to see others, hear others and grow in our relationships.

Central Text/s: Romans 3:23-24  For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.

Wins and Words of the Week: Take time to share WINS, (what God did) and WORD, (what God shared with you from His word) that moved you and others forward and closer to Jesus.

Ice Breaker: If you were to play the lead character (the movie star) in a movie already made, what movie would it be?  Why?  (example- Rocky Balboa, Rocky)

Have you ever participated in a sport that required you to have a strong pivot foot? What have your experiences with it been?  

Questions to Consider:

  1. From this week’s message: What made you laugh? What encouraged you? What hit you right in the gut? What are you excited about? 
  2. The pivot foot is foundational. Discuss what truths are foundational for your faith. What scriptures point these truths out? What helps keep you planted in your faith? 
  3. Reflecting on Romans 3:23-24, what are ways that you have struggled to accept grace? How have you learned to receive grace?
  4. What are potential roadblocks that could prevent you from extending grace to someone? ?
  5. Read and discuss Colossians 4:6 Salt is known to add flavor and make things appetizing. Talk about the grace you have received from God. What “salty” words could you use to extend God’s love and grace to others? Who will be the recipient of these words?   

Digging Deeper: 

  1. Read and discuss Psalm 19:14. What is the heart of the Psalmist’s prayer? Discuss how this prayer could be part of enhancing your vocabulary and how you speak to other people.  
  2. As a group, stop and pray asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you someone you need to extend grace to. Who do you need to ask forgiveness?  
  3. Out of the four responses on the connection card, which resonated with you? How do you plan on addressing it in your life? How can we as a group support you?  
  4. Read and discuss Ephesians 4:2-3. How do these verses describe the way we are to interact with one another? What does it say in regards to how we are to respond to difficult people or “EGR’s”. (Extra Grace Required)   

Questions for Application: 

  1. What specific steps will I/We take to live out what we just discussed? 
  2. Who can we share this message or truth with? What is their name?
  3. Who are you praying for to know Jesus? What is their name?
  4. Who will I partner with to keep me accountable so I/We can grow?

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